Being Like Daddy; Being On My Own!
I was crawling on the floor with my soft limbs. My knees all weary of being pressed against the hard surface and my arms quite worked up of being stretched for so long. All that I could see even through my peripheral vision were pale white tiles and two shiny black boots of daddy. I had to reach daddy, and for that, I was striding faster than my usual pace. As I was about to reach him, I was abruptly challenged in the middle. This toy which was carelessly left in my way always made me stumble! It didn't fright me to the point of running back though. I was brave. I sprinted ahead with the best of my skill, like a bull battling his enemy. Yet again, my hand slipped over the toy and I stumbled. It took me a while to get back on track and warn the toy that I would try again. Another limb forward, another push ahead, and soon I was near daddy, who warmly welcomed me. He picked me up in his arms and dusted off my tiny knees. The world appeared so much different from daddy...