
Showing posts from 2016

Thank You

Netra's feelings on the 100th post: So this was it. Khyati di was shutting down her blog (at least for a while) and I thought about this a few times. I said to myself that she will soon be busy and won't find enough time. Something inside me told me that this couldn't be happening! Then I convinced myself that she was doing this for her own good and will come back at some point! I want to thank each and everybody who has put in their time to read our blog. And a huge thanks to all of you amazing followers as well! And since this is our 100th and last post I want to say a huge goodbye to everyone! My feelings on the 100th post: Hey! I am so happy to announce that we have just completed our 100 posts. I am doing my 12th class and so would have to leave but I got an amazing crew who can keep resharing my blog! <3 My blog is something that expanded so much for an ordinary girl like me. I never believed or imagined that I could REALLY make something that would affe...

Stop Glorifying 'Busy'

My grandma sat right across the table from me, quite 'healthy' but unfit. I was busy with my textbook for my exam the next day and she was weakly lifting her glasses, shrinking her eyes, looking at the cell phone, maybe trying to call someone. I couldnt pay attention to her as I had a crucial exam the next day which would determine my life chances in the future, but I could see her from the corner of my eye. She called someone No answer. Redailed. No answer. "Is the phone not working?" she asked, being from the generation that trusted their people more than technology. "No, dadi. It is perfectly fine." I said, smiling faintly. She trusted her people and so, believed me without a word, but kept the phone away, anyway. She sat still for a minute and then, reached out for the phone again. After all, she had been busy all her life, like I was at that time. She had to keep herself busy that day too. This time, the phone was answered. I co...

I want to

(I poem I wrote as a kid. Have a good laugh!) I wanna write something nice With a bit of spice I wanna write something good About someone's livelihood I wanna weave a story About something that's funny Or maybe something tragic And how about some magic? I wanna use some phrases That go on till many races I wanna give life to my writing With the right words I'm finding Finally I wanna compile it all And write a book, quite small I wanna sweat getting it published I want it to be on everyone's wish list I want it to be proud And stand rest from the crowd I want my loved ones to be happy Who once saw my in the nappy I want my best friend to boast For helping me at any cost I want the people I know To respect me even more I want the world to know when I die But I don't want it to make them cry I want them to be happy for my life and contribution to literature And I never want them to forget my stories even if they forgot my ...

My Teacher v/s Mentor

It was raining heavily that day. Fresh breeze and even fresher the moment. I was in my convent school, sitting at the first desk in front of the window. Inside the classroom the teacher was shouting at us all giving us lessons and 'morals' to abide by. Telling us to give away our carefree attitudes and to become worried about our future instead. Losing her mind over how immature and loud 'we' were like she always did. And I just sat there looking at and listening to my true mentor - the rain. How I wish hypocrite humans could give up the act of teaching because they stood nowhere near to the nature who could teach us not where Nelson died, not what the square root of 5 is, not what communism can do to the world, but can teach us to live our lives, liberated from it all. The teacher, went on scolding us, playing her part, giving 'lessons'. But I wish she could just disappear, and if she stopped and listened to my mentor I knew she could. She would no l...

The revolt of 1857

It started in vellore But the legacy continued And on May, 10 1857 Meerut couldn't take it anymore. The Enfield rifles proved To be the "last straw" The sepoys had seen too much To overlook the underlying causes. "Life was taken out Of the body" in Awadh "Hell was let loose Upon the earth" in Calcutta. Witnesses of the worst disasters And their dead brethrens The sepoys were hired To kill their own people. The blood of Indians on their hands And thoughts in their minds of How their family could be killed By one of their own kind. "The white man's burden" Was made heavier by the "Ungrateful sepoys" who Back at home remaining "Servants of the British". No more words of hatred! The "loyal" sepoys of the "masters" Marched out of their miseries Straight to Delhi . Killing Britishers and Defying all court etiquettes They marched towards Bahadur Shah Zadar And firmly...

Getting happiness and giving if off

It was a horrible day, I tell you. I had to walk for so long just to get my torn clothes stitched, and that too in such heat. Daddy could have taken me there but "it would have been better if I walk" and of course he had been "busy" talking to our relatives about my cousin's increment of salary. "You have to progress more then her Khyati okay?" Said my aunt teasing me. When on earth had money become "progress"? Anyway I was just 16 and I had a lot of stuff to do before earning. And giving my clothes up for stitching was one of them. There were many tailors who would sit by the road, but I had to go for a specific one though there was this tailor lady sitting right by the gate of my society, as that specific man would charge less. It was tiring already, till I reached his shop. I told him to keep my clothes and that my dad would come and collect it, and I felt to treat myself for the "herculean" task I had performed. I treated m...

I Remember, I Reminisce

I remember, I reminisce, When I was little and 'immature'. I would cry, no doubt. But laugh, even brighter. Nothing meant too much. I came with no ties. Independent connected only, To the supreme. It wasn't suppose to last long Or was it, but it didn't Because I didn't let it? Maybe I didn't have to be attached I didn't have to crave elation No regrets, no ego, no pain But I wasn't taught ever To stay sufficient and unaffected. I remember, I reminisce.

These Strong Shoulders

These strong shoulders bear Too much, I know! That head over your shoulders, Should be very stable to be yours. And those arms, dreamy Yet lonely, are still Working hard, with quick Sharp movements So, I wish, she could Release all your stress. And if she isn't equipped to, I know, you'll be on your own. But just seeing you stressed, Makes me frown. I wish I could do it for you, I wish I were destined to.

The Indian Amalgam

India, the 7th largest in area and the wettest inhabited place in the world, is a country to behold! She has a diverse terrain – from the lofty Himalayan peaks to vast Indian Ocean coastline – and history reaching back 8 millennia. She is home to the world's largest number of religions and to more than 300 languages! She has always been very unique, the most unique in the fact that she has had a glorious past in technology and knowledge and yet never invaded any other country in the several years of history. Civilizations throughout history have tried spreading their influence and dominance over other others. And throughout history it has been done through invasion, conquest and colonization but India is different. She has never taken to military conquest to do so. In spite of that she has been able to spread her influence in a unique way through something genuine that people themselves felt attracted to; something that had quality, knowledge, truth and sacredness. The greatest...

The Sacred Average

I wish we could just be average Yet still loved Because we all have a Lord who will accept us Without out any great doing Because he will just want us to be that average, simple, happy someone. And in that would be our victory . I wish we were all accepted being average, Loved being average. Because when we love all averages, We love the people of God And we become the people of God Following his deeds In the simplest of manner, Doing the average task, Being the average person Who is He, Himself.

Someone I Lost

I touch these awkward things.  I bought them when I was young But I don't remember them As if it were of another life of mine  I want to touch them, I want to remember them I want a distant memory of myself So little, buying them. And the joy on my face, So evident, even for little things Because life was simple And attachments not so strong I want to go as I came Free and oblivious to the world, And as I fail to re-cultivate All the 'values' I had as a child I look at these things As some sort of treasures From someone I lost And want to be again.

Art WANTS to be abandoned

I t   i s   s a i d   t h a t   a r t   i s   n e v e r   c o m p l e t e d .   I t   i s   j u s t   a b a n d o n e d . B u t   t h e   t r u t h   i s ,   A r t   w a n t s   t o   b e   a b a n d o n e d ! I t   w a n t s   t o   r u s h   t o   t h e   o n e s   i t ' s   m a d e   f o r ,   t o   t h e   o n e s   w h o   w o n ' t   c h a n g e   i t   o r   a l r e a d y   k n o w   i t ' s   m y s t e r i e s ;   t o   t h e   o n e s   w h o   w o u l d   e n j o y   i t ,   w o u l d   l e t   i t   w o r k   i t s   m a g i c ,   w o u l d   b e   c u r i o u s   f o r   w h a t   i t   o f f e r s   n e x t .   I t   f o r c e s   i t ' s   c r e a ...

My Worldly Soul Yearns

My worldly soul yearns For what it rationals to be a divine cause Let the slurry black evil of the world Spill out of it's each particle Let hate, greed, misfortune All leave its victims And if they have to be And, can't be reversed Let them all join my evil in me For I chose not a thing over Liberation And my Lord accepts me with all sinister And bliss prevails all over the world As my body decays in the arms of my Lord.

The river of crystals

I fold my hands into a cup And dip them into what seems like The river of crystals because of the sunshine's silent dance Over the water I collect And, as I take out a handful of droplets None of them want to stay with me All parting, all rushing back To their home Several droplets make it back And fall out of my hands But many remain with me No home coming is destined for them Their desperation too evident They will rush back At the first chance But they can not. These daring souls have to accomplish their mission They can't be 'lucky' enough to be left alone And to escape the purpose of their being Nothing less than humans.

5 reasons why I will NEVER take up Psychiatric treatment!

iKshatriyas Wednesday, 11 May 2016 5 reasons why I will NEVER take up Psychiatric treatment! Disclaimer  : The information I'm providing below is  my personal opinions, based on facts & reasons I've discovered. These are  for educational purpose only and should not be taken as a recommendation for or against any specific medical treatment or course of action.  Thank you. I'm going to list out the main 5 reasons why I would never take up or recommend psychiatric treatment.  Before I begin, I'd like to make it clear that my intention here is not to fear monger or create panic. Instead, I would like to bring out some facts, data and let people draw their own conclusions.  Lets go! 1. Mental disorders are not medical diseases. There's no denying that people with mental disorders like depression &...